Sunday, 30 December 2012


To our faithful readers,
We are working on setting up a new blog and are hoping to do the first post on January 1st, 2013. I hope to hear more from you through the new blog and that is why we changed it, mostly. It is way easier to post a comment on wordpress. Our new blog address is 
Hoping to meet you there,
                                          -Yesenia, for the rest-
P.S. For those of you who enjoy reading old posts, you will still be able to view this blog at any time by using the old address. ( 

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Birthday Blessings to a Dear Daddy

Happy Birthday Daddy!
You are the dearest daddy in the whole world.
We love you and are so thankful for a daddy like you.
Thank you for your solid spiritual guidance in our home.
If you have said something, you stay true to your word.
This brings such a stableness to our household.
Your humour brightens our days.
Your daily devotions supply us with spiritual food.
We often take for granted what a wonderful daddy we have.
I'm realizing how true Mama's words are when she says,
"The girls will have a problem finding husbands that are good enough,
because they have such a good Daddy."
Double meaning?
They two were made one.

Thank you again for being such a good Daddy and Husband.

We hope you have a good year filled with blessings.
Your Family

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Happy 12th Birthday Triplets!!!

                                                 Happy Birthday Bianca, Edgar, and Imelda!
                                                              (Their birthday is actually on the 16th of November)
How blessed we are to have you three in our home. It would never be the same without your laughter, humour, help, stories, and love. 
                                              May God bless your 12th year with laughter and love.

                                                     I was only going to post a few pictures but....
Our sweet triplets.




P.S. Altogether, we have 6 sets of twins in our house (now figure that out). When people ask them how it feels to be triplets, the triplets hardly know what to say. It's life and they couldn't imagine what it would be like to not be triplets! (The only problem comes when you want to buy a birthday gift for your fellow triplet : ))

Friday, 9 November 2012

Announcing a New Cousin!!!

Congratulations to Eric and Anna Unger on the birth of their little girl, Kyra Grace!!!
  She was born November 8, 2012 at 11:30 p.m.
Kyra Grace Unger

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


                                          Winter has officially arrived in Southern Alberta!
  Oh, the thrill that runs through you, to wake up in the morning and see the whole earth covered in layers of snow! Then, as you get up, you hear the sound of a crackling fire, (or perhaps the noise of the furnace), and you say, "It's Winter."
  After doing a load of school, it is so fun just to go outside and enjoy the pure whiteness. After you've shoveled for a while you realize that this stuff is actually quite heavy. Once you come inside to a cup of warm tea, you find that you are almost too tired to raise the cup to your lips. Soon your energy comes back however, and you're ready to go back down the stairs to the books awaiting you. As you study, you listen to the warming noise, whether its a crackling fire or a blowing furnace, and you're thankful for a warm place to stay. And you think of the hitchhiker that you picked up just a few days ago, who said he was on his way to Nova Scotia, and you wonder how he kept warm last night. Next you think of the yard and how thankful you are that you cleaned it up just before snowfall. Yes, it's winter.
Samuel. He worked hard, shovelling snow.

Elfrieda enjoyed the snow as well.

I know that these two posts are quite different, the one is a summer post and the next one is a winter post, but, suffice it to say, that school is truly a lot of work. I have been kept quite busy with it, (and many other things) lately. I have decided that I must like to be busy because I am constantly coming up with new projects to keep me busy. Sorry to say, Blogging has not been very high on my list of priorities. I hope to put it higher up there in the future. : )
P.S. I couldn't download the pictures of our 'official' snow, so I just did the ones of the previous snowfall. Enjoy!
{Problem fixed by restarting computer}
Perfect combination of fall and winter!
Our fall flowers did a very good job of blooming this year.
(Until they were totally bogged down with snow :-))
I like these green leaves with the snow on them.
The birds have really enjoyed our feeder.
If you recognize any of the birds on our pictures, please tell us what their names are. :-)
P.P.S By the time I am posting these pictures. The roads are almost dry and our yard has many bare spots. (Thanks to the Chinook Winds of Southern Alberta)

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Our Summer in Pictures.

We have had a busy, full, interesting, fun, and lively Summer. I decided to do one long summer post so that I didn't have to take time out of our already busy days to do short (and not so short) blog posts.              Here is our summer in pictures:
Daisies, How Pure.
We did some canning.

Chalk is fun. Especially with big areas of concrete
to write on.

Elfrieda: Chalk artist

This is a couple. Notice the lady's headcovering.

This is Leandro's version of yours truly.

I love this picture of Bianca filling the watering can.

Four pioneers in front of their home.

Chocolate is 'bowl-lickin' good.

Miss Pink

Elfrieda helps with the dishwasher.

Playing piano, my therapy.

Dishwasher chores.

Edgar embroidering. (He can do it much better than
any of his sisters.)

Samuel's new lego set.

Sun rays.
Figuring out the pitch of the roof of the playhouse roof.

Building the playhouse. What a lot of memories made.

Don't worry, he wasn't really sliding down. 

Leandro and his playhouse.

Holding the chalkline. (That's one girl's job : ))
Rasberry picking.

Samuel looking for the big ones.

Aren't the best berries always deep in the bushes?

The fruit of our labours.

We washed the van and the truck quite a few times this summer.


The girls in their new, matching pink dresses.

In a 'Bianca-built' tent with the cousins.
                      Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee,
                                    HOW GREAT THOU ART!"

(The triplets studied a lot about clouds in their science,
so clouds got a new meaning at our house.)