Monday, 31 October 2011

Our Butchering Day

Hello Readers,
(Now I know that we have some because of your comments and I checked the Stats.) Daddy got home at 12:15 a.m. on Saturday morning so we slept a little later. I made pancakes for breakfast but Mama had such a bad migraine headache that she couldn't eat with us. We had to prepare for butchering day all by ourselves. Maybe I'm not mature enough but when Mama has such a headache and almost all the responsibility is on my shoulders, I could cry. We got everything ready, stopped in at the grocery store for some more bags and were off, without Mama. We got to Grandma and Grandpa around 10:45. (We use their garage for butchering.) They had already cleaned up quite a bit of meat. We jumped in and started cutting too. Even Leandro helped. (Until he cut himself)
The children had their own table. 

The children cut the meat into stew pieces or pieces for the meat grinder. They were very fast and we didn't know why until we started grinding. Smile.
Edgar said that it was a good thing that we had butchered the cow when we did because he would have died soon anyway with so many blood clots. Of course, he knew better that's just Edgar for you.

Samuel really likes cutting up food.
Bianca was the one cutting the stew.

Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa, and I had our own table.
Daddy and Grandpa cut the bones into 'cooker-size' pieces.
We all missed Daddy and enjoyed working beside him.
(Although sometimes it was a little to close for him. Smile)

The children loved watching Grandpa grind the meat.

We had lunch at Dew Drop Inn (A Mennonite Mexican Food Restaurant) It was very special for us children as we hadn't been there for quite a while. After lunch Mama's headache was almost gone, (Another sign of God's great faithfulness) so Daddy went home to get her. It was so much better after she was there. We finished cleaning up somewhere between seven and seven thirty in the evening. Grandma and Grandpa went to Taber and we went home for our baths. I was glad for one because at the end of a butchering day everything red on yourself looks or feels like meat or blood. The good thing was that we didn't have to deal with very much 'people' blood this time. Leandro cut himself in the morning and Samuel cut Imelda once a little bit but that was it. (That wasn't on purpose of course) Well that's all for a butchering day post and I hope that even those of you who don't enjoy butchering enjoyed this post. 
Mama and Daddy working together.

Friday, 28 October 2011

A Short Update on Our Week

Dear Blog Readers,
I actually don't know if we have any because nobody is commenting. Maybe it's our fault. Those of you who know us  would you please let us know by email if the comments don't work. I can comment but maybe you can't.
Anyway back to our week. On Tuesday we went to Daddy's job to drop off some stuff they had forgotten. We could hardly find them as they were out in the country close to Lethbridge and we don't know that country very well. We found them and helped them there with putting insulation into a shop under the floor.It was quite cold. In fact, it even snowed. Edgar stayed to help. They had to get that shop floor ready before Wednesday so they came home at around 12:30 a.m.
On Wednesday they left early and placed that floor. We prayed and the floor was done early which was a good thing because as you probably guessed, Daddy didn't get very much sleep.
Yesterday, they left for Oyen which is 3 hours away. They spent the night there and are planning to come home today. Hopefully, the floor sets up early again.
Today we want to do our schooling and weekly cleaning. We also want to get ready for tomorrow as we want to clean up meat at Grandma and Grandpa. (I want to do a blog post on that hopefully) Daddy doesn't like butchering so we were very surprised when he came home one on Wednesday with almost everything planned. We were very glad as Mama didn't feel like always buying our meat. God is good.                                                                                                              
                                                                                   May He bless your day,
P.S. I am going to update this post after lunch so stay tuned.

Here's the update:
I guess I got carried away on my post before. It was before breakfast and I had people waiting on me so I was in a hurry.
On Monday I took the oven door apart to clean the inside. It took almost all afternoon but now our oven almost looks too new. It was very dirty.
On Wednesday our piano teacher came. She spends 2 hours at our house, so she was here from 1o'clock to quarter after three. She loves to visit with us. I barbecued chicken for supper. It was really good especially with Daddy at home.
Thursday. We did our schooling and said Bye to Daddy in the morning. After lunch we went to Grandma's for helping day. Tante Anna was making tomato soup and the rest were sewing their own things. We had a turkey dinner for supper.
Tante Marcie told everybody that they are expecting. Their youngest is 4 and we were all so surprised. (They had told our family earlier) We are so glad because it's 8 months since they lost Caleb, their only son who was 10 then. We still miss him quite a bit.
Today we cleaned our basement at recess and then the rest of the house after lunch. I did the last of  the cleaning before I started the post. It feels so good to have a clean house again. It is so nice and fresh outside today. It's cool enough for a long sleeved something because there is a slight breeze. In fact the furnace just started running because we had the windows open too long. We have been having a beautiful fall for which we are thankful. Other years (Not last year) we have had quite cold weather or even snow at this time of the year. We are blessed.
P.S. Sorry for not posting more pictures. It seems I always remember once it is too late. I hope to 'grow' onto our camera more.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Our Sunday

Welcome all our blog readers. We have had a good Sunday. In the morning, we went to church. (Which is a small group of Christian families gathering in Grassy Lake, which is a town about 15 minutes West of us)
One of the families (for those of you who know us it was Peter and Margaret) that moved away two years ago was in church this morning. He shared his testimony which was very interesting. We had fellowship meal afterward. Some of the children did some drawing and the boys played outside.
Some of the children found a mouse that was acting very funny so one of the men took it outside.
 One of the ladies told the story of one man who wrote a hymn. When he was a boy growing up, he would always say things in rhythm, often interrupting their devotions. But he couldn't help it, things just came out in rhyme. One day in devotions he was watching a mouse climb up a rope. (I guess it happened more often back then.) And just like that he said. "The mouse for want of better stairs, went up a rope to say his prayers." His father in frustration told him that if he made one more rhyme during devotions he would get a spanking. Without even thinking he goes, "Oh father please some mercy take, and I will no more verses make." He just made another rhyme but I don't know if he got a spanking.
Some ladies visiting.
Here's the men
The boys
And more men.
Here's our group of little girls that was playing outside.
And here's the girls that were being artists
We didn't have any plans after fellowship, so we went cruising in the country. In one field we saw two moose. We had never seen any moose here before so we enjoyed it. But it isn't something so special anymore because they are trying to "plant" them here. Who cares if it isn't supposed to be special, we still thought it was.
We didn't have anything else planned, so we spent the evening around the fire.
                                                                                                Yesenia for the rest


Saturday, 22 October 2011

Welcome To Our Blog

We have long wanted to make a blog and now that dream has finally materialized. We are a Bible-believing family of nine, living in the plains of western Alberta in a fair sized town called Bow Island. We have been homeschooling for six years and would want it no other way. Right now we have five children in school full time and one that does it when she feels like it. That little girl's name is Elfrieda and she is 5 years old. (Waiting for her birthday in March as little girls are wont to do) She is the sixth child in the family with one younger brother. His name is Leandro and he is almost 3 1/2. Now I will start with the oldest and describe the rest of us.
 Daddy is the oldest in our family and he is the best daddy in the world. (I know you disagree with me but I don't care) He is the paperwork guy for the business that he has with his three brothers and his Dad doing construction.  Daddy has his office at home and we really like this arrangement because he is home most of the time doing paperwork.
Mama is next. She is our faithful teacher, cook, laundress, housekeeper, seamstress, and and and. You all know what Mamas have to do.
I'm next in line. And as I'm starting to write I think that maybe somebody else should do my description. But then. No, I'll write it myself. My name is Yesenia and I am 14 years old. I love to play the piano, read, put puzzles together, figure out computer programs, read blogs (and I think write them too), learn Spanish with Rosetta Stone, teach Elfreida to read, and I like to bake. (I'm starting to learn to make meals but it's still a big chore.) I would also like to learn how to play violin but that is in the future.
Bianca, Edgar, and Imelda come next and they are our 10 years old triplets. I will describe them separately because (as you all know) being triplets does not make them have the same characteristics.
Bianca is the biggest bookworm in the family. She just loves her books. Next comes her love to play. Although she is ten years old she still is very disappointed if she thinks there will be no time to play. The younger children really like her love for play because this gives them a lot of ideas. And ideas she has. One day it's a blanket tent, the next day it's a vehicle, and the next day it's a church that she's built. She is very sweet and we all love our Bianca.
The next oldest is the oldest boy and brother in our family, Edgar. His favourite pastime is being outside, (if he has something to do.) Although his imagination isn't as wild as Bianca's he's still fun to be with. He has a  very interesting sense of humour, and often keeps us laughing. He likes to do Language Arts and play the piano. He often wishes we would live on a farm so that he would have animals to play with. But he's learnt to be content and find things to do in town. He often rides Ripstick and works in the garage building little things like stools and suchlike. He loves to work with Daddy.
Now Imelda is the one to describe. She is also a bookworm but likes to do other stuff too. She is often the one that helps Bianca fulfill her dream of a tent or something the like. She loves babies and little children and they love her. She's the babysitter at our family gatherings. She is enjoying her second year of piano lessons.
Samuel, our 9 year old little monkey. He likes to climb on Daddy and wrestle with him. He knows just how to make a funny comment about anything and everything but does it without thinking which make it even more funny. He likes to play Lego's and do math. He also likes to play with Elfrieda and Leandro.
So, there's a thorough description of our family. I hope you enjoy our blog and I will try to keep you updated.
               So much for now,