Happy Father's Day to all fathers everywhere, but especially to the best father in the world. (You can try all you want to convince me differently, but I won't change that.) : ) Thank you for going, (or staying) to work every day to support us, not out of an "I guess I'll go to work today, my family needs to be supported." attitude, but out of an "I love to go to work to support my dear family at work. " attitude. Thank you for being so content and complimenting on the food that we prepare. (Even if it's burnt or slightly uncooked when I've been cooking something new.) Thank you for being patient with me and involving me in record keeping for our personal finances and for trusting me to help you with the business paperwork. I really enjoy that. Thank you for involving us as children in the decisions and for doing what you know is best for us. Thank you for taking us along on business trips and things like that. Thank you for keeping life fun by your teasing and even your funny twistings on words. : ) Thank you for making us change our attitudes when they aren't right. Thank you for keeping your word, it brings such a sense of security to us. And Thank you ultimately for your love towards us.

We Love You Daddy!!!
P.S. We were going around the table yesterday evening, each one of us telling Daddy something we liked about him. When it was Mama's turn, she waited awhile, (Daddy said she could hardly find anything : )) But she really was trying to find the best of a thousand reasons. Since she didn't say something so quickly, Leandro decided he would find something. With a big smile on his face, he declared, "I know what Mama likes about Daddy. She likes it when he gives her a piggyback ride!"
Daddy gave her a piggyback ride the other day and it was not appreciated very much once he started running.