Sunday, 30 December 2012


To our faithful readers,
We are working on setting up a new blog and are hoping to do the first post on January 1st, 2013. I hope to hear more from you through the new blog and that is why we changed it, mostly. It is way easier to post a comment on wordpress. Our new blog address is 
Hoping to meet you there,
                                          -Yesenia, for the rest-
P.S. For those of you who enjoy reading old posts, you will still be able to view this blog at any time by using the old address. ( 

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Birthday Blessings to a Dear Daddy

Happy Birthday Daddy!
You are the dearest daddy in the whole world.
We love you and are so thankful for a daddy like you.
Thank you for your solid spiritual guidance in our home.
If you have said something, you stay true to your word.
This brings such a stableness to our household.
Your humour brightens our days.
Your daily devotions supply us with spiritual food.
We often take for granted what a wonderful daddy we have.
I'm realizing how true Mama's words are when she says,
"The girls will have a problem finding husbands that are good enough,
because they have such a good Daddy."
Double meaning?
They two were made one.

Thank you again for being such a good Daddy and Husband.

We hope you have a good year filled with blessings.
Your Family