Monday, 28 November 2011

Tips, tips, tips, and more tips.

I borrowed a book from the library called 1,628 Country Shortcuts From 1,628 Country People. I know we don't live in the country but I still love reading tips and shortcuts. We can't keep the book forever though and I wanted to keep some of the tips (I can't remember them all) so I thought that I would write them on the blog.
These tips are actually from the Country Women and Country Magazines.
1. To avoid clogged kitchen drains, pour a cup of salt and a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a pot of boiling water.
2. Next time you need to move a big heavy box, chest, or other piece of furniture, just lift the front edge of the item and slip the straw part of a flat broom underneath. Then get a helper to push from the back while you pull on the broom handle and guide the heavy item.
3. Before you try to slide a refrigerator, washer dry, etc. on a smooth hard surface, put a small dab of shortening on the floor in front of the forward feet. It will them slide easily. But don't get your shoes in the shortening , or you'll be spinning all day.
4. To separate two glasses that are stuck together, put the bottom glass in warm water and pour cold water in the top glass. The two will pull apart easily without breaking.
5. You can sharpen a dull pair of scissors, easily, by cutting through several thicknesses of aluminum foil. "Mama didn't believe this but we decided to try it and it really does work, it's actually fun." -Yesenia-
6. You can make your own sweet smelling humidifier. Fill an old coffee can two-thirds full of water... add cinnamon sticks, cloves, and orange peel... and place on the stove. When the water gets hot, it gives off a pleasant scent- and gives the house extra moisture.
7. As soon as camping season ends, tuck a fabric softener sheet into each sleeping bag before rolling it up. The bag will smell fresh once you take it out for next years camping trip.
8. Remove sticky price tags from glass by spraying with WD-40.
9. To remove hard water buildup on your shower head, pour some vinegar into a plastic bag and place it around the shower head so the head is completely submerged. Tie the bag around the pipe and leave it on overnight. The shower head will spray like new in the morning.
10. To color in necks or scratches in wood-stained furniture etc. rub with a pecan nut. The oil from the nut will restain the wood.
11. When glue thickens in the bottle or you must remove a spot of it, use a little vinegar. It's a good glue thinner or remover.
12. Rubbing alcohol easily removes ink from clothing and crayon marks from woodwork and wallpaper.
13. To remove candle wax from carpeting, place a brown paper bag over the wax and gently run a warm iron over it.
14. To sharpen scissors, simply cut through a sheet of sandpaper a few times.
15. To add traction to an icy wooden deck, sprinkle on some cornmeal.
16. Use baby food jars to hold nails, nuts, bolts, etc. First nail the lids of the jars underneath the tool cabinets and then screw the jars into the lids.
17. Lay a barbecue grill rack on the lawn overnight-the dew will combine with enzymes in the grass to loosen any burned on grease. Try it with your oven racks too.
18. For those of us who live in areas where there is snow and ice, keep a few rough shingles in the back of your vehicle. If the car gets stuck, place the shingles behind or in front of your tires to gain traction.
19. Simplify snow shoveling by pouring a little cooking oil on your snow shovel before you start-- snow will slide right off while you work!
20. A great homemade bug killer can be made in a plastic milk jug by mixing 1 cup sugar, 1 cup vinegar and a banana peel. Hang the open jug in a tree or place it in the garden to attract the bugs that are eating your prized fruits and vegetables.
I will publish 20 tips at once for you. If you have something that you need a shortcut for, please let me know.

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