Friday, 30 December 2011

Ping-Pong Table!!!!

Yes we 'got' one. Actually we built one. We aren't doing school this week, so one of our projects for this week. On Monday, Daddy and Edgar went to Horizon's shop in Grassy Lake to cut the pieces to the correct sizes. When they came home, we started putting it together. Daddy's an Unger and he did not want a wobbly table. It is a very sturdy table. You can run into it and it won't move. That also means that it's very heavy. On Tuesday, Mama, Daddy, and some of the children painted the whole thing white. Then, on Wednesday when we went shopping, we bought dark green paint, a net, paddles, and balls. We gave it one coat of green on Wednesday, another one yesterday, and hopefully another one today. After today, then it will be done. We still need to stick white electrical tape around the edges and down the middle, but we children will still play. Yesterday, we had visitors and the boys played ping-pong almost all evening. We have played a lot today already as well.
I will leave you with a few pictures and captions,

The frame

Leandro. Watching.

Can you guess who that would be?
No, he wasn't hiding from the camera.

Two 'top plates' are on.

Screwin' it on

This is one of my favourites of Elfie.

The top part is done.

First leg.

Those pieces of plywood are there to make it more sturdy.

Daddy had to sand down a little ridge.

Sure looks like he's ready for almost anything.

Can you see me?

Rolling, Rolling, and Rolling.

Now we're up to the green part.

Yes, I helped too.

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