Sunday, 27 May 2012

HOORAY!! We're Done School!

We are very glad to complete our 7th year of homeschooling. Well, I have had seven years and the rest of the children have been homeschooled all their lives. I finished grade 9 and started a little bit of grade 10, the triplets finished grade 5 all except for their math and some science that they'll work on through the summer, Samuel finished grade 3 and started grade 4, and Elfrieda did Kindergarten and started Learning to Read. The triplets and I had a bit of a harder math year but we're looking forward to a better tomorrow (or "School year). 
  We have really enjoyed our weekend. On Saturday Mama, Bianca, Imelda, Edgar, Samuel, and I got up at six o'clock in the morning to go to a HUGE garage sale. We had a lot of fun finding bargains and treasures. I got brand new Sketchers for a dollar, and I also got a stand to prop books on to play violin. I found a neat piano duet book called Hooked on Easy Piano Duets, it came with a CD with all the songs recorded. Some of my favorites are these: "Peter Piper" (Frank Mills), "The Music Box Dancer" (Frank Mills), "Canon in D" (Johann Pachelbel), and "Chop Sticks" (DeLulli). I'm hoping to learn those duets with somebody. 
  We found a lot of other treasures including a Willow Tree Figure of a man and his wife. We got home around 7:30 a.m.. Then I made waffles and mama made homeade pudding for breakfast. YUMMY!
Daddy and the boys went to work and I took Elfrieda and Leandro to the garage sale since they didn't go early in the morning while Mama and the girls worked at home. 
 Janice and Nacho came around 2:30 and we had Rollkuchen (A Mennonite specialty) with our first watermelon together. It was really good. We had lots of fun with them until 5:30 p.m. when they went home. 
  Eric and Anna came in the evening and we had a really good time with them too. 
  Today, we went to church and had fellowship meal. It was really good. Elisabeth and I played a few games of Dutch Blitz with ups-and-downs. It has been raining all day and now we're just having a relaxing afternoon at home.

1 comment:

  1. Every time I open up your blog I see your blog title. 'Great is Thy Faithfulness'. And I always start singing that song!! I love that song and it is very meaningful to me. God will always be faithful, may we also continue to be faithful.


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