Here is the continuation of the series of tips.
1. If you drop an egg or dump oil, just dump a bunch of salt on it, wait a few minutes, and sweep. No stain.
2. Next time a plastic bread wrapper melts onto the toaster or coffeepot, try this. Rub some petroleum jelly on the spot, reheat the appliance and use a paper towel to rub off the plastic and the printing.
3. When silk flower arrangements look old and dusty, dip them gently and quickly in warm water with detergent in it. Then place them on a towel to dry. They come out looking new!
4. Patent leather handbags and shoes can be quickly brightened with a polish of milk, Apply with a soft cloth and rub into a shiny new-like finish.
5. I haven't tried this one yet so I don't know if I want to believe it. To help someone stop hiccoughing, just say, "I'll give you every bit of change in my pocket (or a quarter) if you can hiccough three more times." it interrupts the body rhythm that causes hiccoughs, and for some reason, when they want to hiccough, they can't.
Give it a try, you'll see. Just offer someone a quarter or a dime, but always say it's for the next three hiccoughs. Because if you say "for the next one", the person may quickly hiccough before they've had time to think about wanting to.
6. Your bathroom mirror won't fog up if you clean it with canned shaving cream. It works on eyeglasses to. (That means no more sudden "blindness" when you're unloading the dryer or dishwasher and checking the cookies)
7. A handful of salt added to the last rinse water will keep the clothes from freezing on or onto the clothesline.
8. To keep lint from clinging to dark garments, add 1/2 cup vinegar to the last rinse.
9. To remove soap and hard water film that accumulates on plastic shower curtains (and doors), take the curtain down, place it on a flat surface, and wash it with a solution of 1/2 cup ammonia to 1 quart warm water. The film just vanishes.
10. When you buy socks, pin them together with a little safety pin, when a child changes socks, he removes the pin from the clean pair and puts it on the soiled pair. From there they go from the washer and dryer, and back into the drawers with no sorting or searching for missing socks.
11. When cleaning plastic wastebaskets, try using some rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol cleans with a minimum of scrubbing. At the same time the baskets are being sanitised.
12. Before washing walls or windows, wrap an absorbent cotton around your wrist. Hold it in place with a rubber band. The cotton catches the uncomfortable trickles that run down your arm.
13. To keep shower doors shiny and clear use a soft rag moistened with baby oil. It prevents scum build-up from dirt and soap and hard water spots won't appear for months.
14. If you wash windows when the sun is shining on them the glass will streak.
15. Yellowed lace can be whitened by soaking it in sour milk.
16. Defrosting a freezer is not much fun, but here's a way to make the job easier. After you defrost the next time, dry the interior and then spray it with cooking spray. The next defrosting job will go lots faster.
17. When washing windows, wipe the inside from top to bottom and the outside from side to side. This way you'll know whether the streak is inside or outside.
18. After washing a cast iron skillet, wipe around the inside with a wad of wax paper while it is still warm. This will prevent rusting.
19. Baking soda mixed with ground cinnamon or cloves makes a great before-vacuum carpet freshener.
20. Want to give limp curtains a crisp new look after laundry? Wash and rinse as usual, then, in a sink or large tub, dissolve 1 cup of Epsom salt in water. Dip curtains into this solution and hang to dry. No iron needed. Your curtains will be crisp as when new.
Waiting for next time?
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