Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Regular Post

Dear blog readers,
I know I haven't done a regular post for a while. We got another BIG dump of snow this morning. We children have really enjoyed it already. Our piano teacher came today to give us the last piano lessons in 2011. We have a recital next week Tuesday and she and Edgar were discussing what kind of clothes we will wear. The colors are black and white so she asked him if he had black pants.
"I have a pair of corduroys," Edgar replied.
"Are they black?" This from Mrs. Schmidt.
"Yes they are," replied Edgar.
"Okay so you'll wear your black cords" Mrs. Schmidt was scribbling it down already.
Bianca and I were sitting in the kitchen listening to the lessons taking place and we just had to laugh at this one. We were behind her back and we tried to keep quiet, but of course Edgar saw us. We were all snickering a bit and Mrs. Schmidt looks up and asks, "What's so funny?"
Well, we had never heard of wearing 'cords' before.
Another bit of 'medicine' we had this week was when Eric and his young bride, Anna came over. They've been married for almost six months now. They were about ready to leave when Eric says, "I told Anna..."
Then turning turning to her, "Should I say?"  "I told Anna that we would save up and then we would invite you one evening for supper." Anna was a bit ashamed of Eric but it was a funny ending to a good evening.
I hope to do a post on the recital next week and please let me know if you like the tips pages. If I don't get enough response I might quit posting them. I don't think I will but I would really like to know if anyone is taking the time to read them.
Update: Yes we did have to tell Mrs. Schmidt what was so funny and she laughed with us. She told him to remember that when he went up to play at the recital so that he would have a big smile on his face. Thanks for telling me about missing this, Jonathan.


  1. Dear Yesenia,
    I really like the tips, so keep posting them.
    We have some plastic on our toaster, and we
    want to try and get it off.

  2. Dear Josiah,
    Can you tell me, did I post a tip on getting plastic off yet or not? Hopefully you see this, if you do, please let me know.

  3. Yes, it's the second tip on Tips, tips, tips, and more tips con't. -Jonathan-

  4. Thanks. Would you like to press the 'suscribe by email' button on the bottom here and see if you don't get a reminder whenever I post something. You can easily unsubscribe later if you don't like it.

  5. Yeah, now I know how it ends! You can actually subscribe by email? I'll try that. Make sure you post soon so I can find out if it works!

  6. I'll try to post a poem that I wrote this week.


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